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AL-2 Teknik A/S

We develop, manufacture, and deliver solutions for efficient treatment of process water and wastewater within various applications.

Quality and efficiency

More than 25 years of experience

Our products and solutions are developed and produced based on solid experience in the field of wastewater. AL-2 Teknik started producing belt filters more than 25 years ago, which is still our core product, included in many of our solutions.

The wide applicability of our thoroughly tested and robust solutions enables us to deliver to many different industries and applications. Choosing AL-2 Teknik as your supplier proves to be a cost-effective solution for most tasks within wastewater treatment.


We provide solutions for many different industries, where our experience enables us to advise on the best solution for each industry.

Our comprehensive products cover a wide range of industries within process- and wastewater such as:


Our solutions can be adjusted to customer-specific details to achieve the ideal solution. We advise on the best solution based on our expertise and extensive experience.


Focus on environment and sustainability

At AL-2 Teknik, we are constantly improving our environment and sustainability standards, which makes our innovative and efficient solutions the ideal solution for water treatment. Our robust solutions for water treatment are used globally with deliveries on all continents. Our solutions are developed to comply with strict discharge requirements in Denmark and many other countries are starting to introduce similar requirements.

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